A Coupled Soil Water Balance Model for Simulating Depression‐Focused Groundwater Recharge

Saskia Noorduijn, Masaki Hayashi, Getachew Adem Mohammed, Aaron A. Mohammed

Ephemeral ponds in depressions are the foci of groundwater recharge in the Canadian Prairies. Freeze–thaw processes influence snowmelt runoff and depression‐focused recharge. A new water balance model was developed to represent these processes. The water balance model successfully simulated the observed soil processes. This model will provide a tool to estimate recharge in the prairie landscape.
Saskia Noorduijn, Masaki Hayashi, Getachew Adem Mohammed, and Aaron A. Mohammed. 2018. A Coupled Soil Water Balance Model for Simulating Depression‐Focused Groundwater Recharge. Vadose Zone Journal, Volume 17, Issue 1, 17(1):1–14.
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