Debasish Chakroborti


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Release conventions of open‐source software: An exploratory study
Debasish Chakroborti, Sristy Sumana Nath, Kevin A. Schneider, Chanchal K. Roy
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Volume 35, Issue 1

Abstract Software engineering (SE) methodologies are widely used in both academia and industry to manage the software development life cycle. A number of studies of SE methodologies involve interviewing stakeholders to explore the real‐world practice. Although these interview‐based studies provide us with a user's perspective of an organization's practice, they do not describe the concrete summary of releases in open‐source social coding platforms. In particular, no existing studies investigated how releases are evolved in open‐source coding platforms, which assist release planners to a large extent. This study explores software development patterns followed in open‐source projects to see the overall management's reflection on software release decisions rather than concentrating on a particular methodology. Our experiments on 51 software origins (with 1777k revisions and 12k releases) from the Software Heritage Graph Dataset (SWHGD) and their GitHub project boards (with 23k cards) reveal reasonably active project management with phase simplicity can release software versions more frequently and can follow the small release conventions of Extreme Programming. Additionally, the study also reveals that a combination of development and management activities can be applied to predict the possible number of software releases in a month ( ).

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Debasish Chakroborti, Kevin A. Schneider, Chanchal K. Roy
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension

Source code repositories allow developers to manage multiple versions (or branches) of a software system. Pull-requests are used to modify a branch, and backporting is a regular activity used to port changes from a current development branch to other versions. In open-source software, backports are common and often need to be adapted by hand, which motivates us to explore backports and backporting challenges and strategies. In our exploration of 68,424 backports from 10 GitHub projects, we found that bug, test, document, and feature changes are commonly backported. We identified a number of backporting challenges, including that backports were inconsistently linked to their original pull-request (49%), that backports had incompatible code (13%), that backports failed to be accepted (10%), and that there were backporting delays (16 days to create, 5 days to merge). We identified some general strategies for addressing backporting issues. We also noted that backporting strategies depend on the project type and that further investigation is needed to determine their suitability. Furthermore, we created the first-ever backports dataset that can be used by other researchers and practitioners for investigating backports and backporting.


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Designing for Recommending Intermediate States in A Scientific Workflow Management System
Debasish Chakroborti, Banani Roy, Sristy Sumana Nath, Debasish Chakroborti, Banani Roy, Sristy Sumana Nath
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 5, Issue EICS

To process a large amount of data sequentially and systematically, proper management of workflow components (i.e., modules, data, configurations, associations among ports and links) in a Scientific Workflow Management System (SWfMS) is inevitable. Managing data with provenance in a SWfMS to support reusability of workflows, modules, and data is not a simple task. Handling such components is even more burdensome for frequently assembled and executed complex workflows for investigating large datasets with different technologies (i.e., various learning algorithms or models). However, a great many studies propose various techniques and technologies for managing and recommending services in a SWfMS, but only a very few studies consider the management of data in a SWfMS for efficient storing and facilitating workflow executions. Furthermore, there is no study to inquire about the effectiveness and efficiency of such data management in a SWfMS from a user perspective. In this paper, we present and evaluate a GUI version of such a novel approach of intermediate data management with two use cases (Plant Phenotyping and Bioinformatics). The technique we call GUI-RISPTS (Recommending Intermediate States from Pipelines Considering Tool-States) can facilitate executions of workflows with processed data (i.e., intermediate outcomes of modules in a workflow) and can thus reduce the computational time of some modules in a SWfMS. We integrated GUI-RISPTS with an existing workflow management system called SciWorCS. In SciWorCS, we present an interface that users use for selecting the recommendation of intermediate states (i.e., modules' outcomes). We investigated GUI-RISPTS's effectiveness from users' perspectives along with measuring its overhead in terms of storage and efficiency in workflow execution.


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An Exploratory Study to Find Motives Behind Cross-platform Forks from Software Heritage Dataset
Avijit Bhattacharjee, Sristy Sumana Nath, Shurui Zhou, Debasish Chakroborti, Banani Roy, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories

The fork-based development mechanism provides the flexibility and the unified processes for software teams to collaborate easily in a distributed setting without too much coordination overhead.Currently, multiple social coding platforms support fork-based development, such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Although these different platforms virtually share the same features, they have different emphasis. As GitHub is the most popular platform and the corresponding data is publicly available, most of the current studies are focusing on GitHub hosted projects. However, we observed anecdote evidences that people are confused about choosing among these platforms, and some projects are migrating from one platform to another, and the reasons behind these activities remain unknown.With the advances of Software Heritage Graph Dataset (SWHGD),we have the opportunity to investigate the forking activities across platforms. In this paper, we conduct an exploratory study on 10popular open-source projects to identify cross-platform forks and investigate the motivation behind. Preliminary result shows that cross-platform forks do exist. For the 10 subject systems in this study, we found 81,357 forks in total among which 179 forks are on GitLab. Based on our qualitative analysis, we found that most of the cross-platform forks that we identified are mirrors of the repositories on another platform, but we still find cases that were created due to preference of using certain functionalities (e.g. Continuous Integration (CI)) supported by different platforms. This study lays the foundation of future research directions, such as understanding the differences between platforms and supporting cross-platform collaboration.


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A Data Management Scheme for Micro-Level Modular Computation-Intensive Programs in Big Data Platforms
Debasish Chakroborti, Banani Roy, Amit Kumar Mondal, Golam Mostaeen, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, Ralph Deters
Studies in Big Data

Big Data analytics or systems developed with parallel distributed processing frameworks (e.g., Hadoop and Spark) are becoming popular for finding important insights from a huge amount of heterogeneous data (e.g., image, text, and sensor data). These systems offer a wide range of tools and connect them to form workflows for processing Big Data. Independent schemes from different studies for managing programs and data of workflows have been already proposed by many researchers and most of the systems have been presented with data or metadata management. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study particularly discusses the performance implications of utilizing intermediate states of data and programs generated at various execution steps of a workflow in distributed platforms. In order to address the shortcomings, we propose a scheme of Big Data management for micro-level modular computation-intensive programs in a Spark and Hadoop-based platform. In this paper, we investigate whether management of the intermediate states can speed up the execution of an image processing pipeline consisting of various image processing tools/APIs in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) while ensuring appropriate reusability and error monitoring. From our experiments, we obtained prominent results, e.g., we have reported that with the intermediate data management, we can gain up to 87% computation time for an image processing job.


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Optimized Storing of Workflow Outputs through Mining Association Rules
Debasish Chakroborti, Manishankar Mondal, Banani Roy, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

Workflows are frequently built and used to systematically process large datasets using workflow management systems (WMS). A workflow (i.e., a pipeline) is a finite set of processing modules organized as a series of steps that is applied to an input dataset to produce a desired output. In a workflow management system, users generally create workflows manually for their own investigations. However, workflows can sometimes be lengthy and the constituent processing modules might often be computationally expensive. In this situation, it would be beneficial if users could reuse intermediate stage results generated by previously executed workflows for executing their current workflow.In this paper, we propose a novel technique based on association rule mining for suggesting which intermediate stage results from a workflow that a user is going to execute should be stored for reusing in the future. We call our proposed technique, RISP (Recommending Intermediate States from Pipelines). According to our investigation on hundreds of workflows from two scientific workflow management systems, our proposed technique can efficiently suggest intermediate state results to store for future reuse. The results that are suggested to be stored have a high reuse frequency. Moreover, for creating around 51% of the entire pipelines, we can reuse results suggested by our technique. Finally, we can achieve a considerable gain (74% gain) in execution time by reusing intermediate results stored by the suggestions provided by our proposed technique. We believe that our technique (RISP) has the potential to have a significant positive impact on Big-Data systems, because it can considerably reduce execution time of the workflows through appropriate reuse of intermediate state results, and hence, can improve the performance of the systems.