Eliot J. B. McIntire


DOI bib
Empowering ecological modellers with a PERFICT workflow: Seamlessly linking data, parameterisation, prediction, validation and visualisation
Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 1

Abstract Modelling is widely used in ecology and its utility continues to increase as scientists, managers and policy‐makers face pressure to effectively manage ecosystems and meet conservation goals with limited resources. As the urgency to forecast ecosystem responses to global change grows, so do the number and complexity of predictive ecological models and the value of iterative prediction, both of which demand validation and cross‐model comparisons. This challenges ecologists to provide predictive models that are reusable, interoperable, transparent and able to accommodate updates to both data and algorithms. We propose a practical solution to this challenge based on the PERFICT principles (frequent Predictions and Evaluations of Reusable, Freely accessible, Interoperable models, built within Continuous workflows that are routinely Tested), using a modular and integrated framework. We present its general implementation across seven common components of ecological model applications—(i) the modelling toolkit; (ii) data acquisition and treatment; (iii) model parameterisation and calibration; (iv) obtaining predictions; (v) model validation; (vi) analysing and presenting model outputs; and (vii) testing model code—and apply it to two approaches used to predict species distributions: (1) a static statistical model, and (2) a complex spatiotemporally dynamic model. Adopting a continuous workflow enabled us to reuse our models in new study areas, update predictions with new data, and re‐parameterise with different interoperable modules using freely accessible data sources, all with minimal user input. This allowed repeating predictions and automatically evaluating their quality, while centralised inputs, parameters and outputs, facilitated ensemble forecasting and tracking uncertainty. Importantly, the integrated model validation promotes a continuous evaluation of the quality of more‐ or less‐parsimonious models, which is valuable in predictive ecological modelling. By linking all stages of an ecological modelling exercise, it is possible to overcome common challenges faced by ecological modellers, such as changing study areas, choosing between different modelling approaches, and evaluating the appropriateness of the model. This ultimately creates a more equitable and robust playing field for both modellers and end users (e.g. managers), and contributes to position predictive ecology as a central contributor to global change forecasting.


DOI bib
Empowering ecological modellers with a <scp>PERFICT</scp> workflow: Seamlessly linking data, parameterisation, prediction, validation and visualisation
Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M. S. Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David Andison, Steven G. Cumming, Eliot J. B. McIntire
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 1

Abstract Modelling is widely used in ecology and its utility continues to increase as scientists, managers and policy‐makers face pressure to effectively manage ecosystems and meet conservation goals with limited resources. As the urgency to forecast ecosystem responses to global change grows, so do the number and complexity of predictive ecological models and the value of iterative prediction, both of which demand validation and cross‐model comparisons. This challenges ecologists to provide predictive models that are reusable, interoperable, transparent and able to accommodate updates to both data and algorithms. We propose a practical solution to this challenge based on the PERFICT principles (frequent Predictions and Evaluations of Reusable, Freely accessible, Interoperable models, built within Continuous workflows that are routinely Tested), using a modular and integrated framework. We present its general implementation across seven common components of ecological model applications—(i) the modelling toolkit; (ii) data acquisition and treatment; (iii) model parameterisation and calibration; (iv) obtaining predictions; (v) model validation; (vi) analysing and presenting model outputs; and (vii) testing model code—and apply it to two approaches used to predict species distributions: (1) a static statistical model, and (2) a complex spatiotemporally dynamic model. Adopting a continuous workflow enabled us to reuse our models in new study areas, update predictions with new data, and re‐parameterise with different interoperable modules using freely accessible data sources, all with minimal user input. This allowed repeating predictions and automatically evaluating their quality, while centralised inputs, parameters and outputs, facilitated ensemble forecasting and tracking uncertainty. Importantly, the integrated model validation promotes a continuous evaluation of the quality of more‐ or less‐parsimonious models, which is valuable in predictive ecological modelling. By linking all stages of an ecological modelling exercise, it is possible to overcome common challenges faced by ecological modellers, such as changing study areas, choosing between different modelling approaches, and evaluating the appropriateness of the model. This ultimately creates a more equitable and robust playing field for both modellers and end users (e.g. managers), and contributes to position predictive ecology as a central contributor to global change forecasting.


DOI bib
Predicting patterns of terrestrial lichen biomass recovery following boreal wildfires
Ruth J. Greuel, Geneviève É. Degré‐Timmons, Jennifer L. Baltzer, Jill F. Johnstone, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Nicola J. Day, Sarah J. Hart, Philip D. McLoughlin, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, M. R. Turetsky, Alexandre Truchon‐Savard, Mario D. van Telgen, Steven G. Cumming, Ruth J. Greuel, Geneviève É. Degré‐Timmons, Jennifer L. Baltzer, Jill F. Johnstone, Eliot J. B. McIntire, Nicola J. Day, Sarah J. Hart, Philip D. McLoughlin, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, M. R. Turetsky, Alexandre Truchon‐Savard, Mario D. van Telgen, Steven G. Cumming
Ecosphere, Volume 12, Issue 4

Increased fire activity due to climate change may impact the successional dynamics of boreal forests, with important consequences for caribou habitat. Early successional forests have been shown to support lower quantities of caribou forage lichens, but geographic variation in, and controls on, the rates of lichen recovery has been largely unexplored. In this study, we sampled across a broad region in northwestern Canada to compare lichen biomass accumulation in ecoprovinces, including the Saskatchewan Boreal Shield, the Northwest Territories Taiga Shield, and Northwest Territories Taiga Plains, divided into North and South. We focused on the most valuable Cladonia species for boreal and barren-ground caribou: Cladonia mitis and C. arbuscula, C. rangiferina and C. stygia, and C. stellaris and C. uncialis. We developed new allometric equations to estimate lichen biomass from field measurements of lichen cover and height; allometries were consistent among ecoprovinces, suggesting generalizability. We then used estimates of lichen biomass to quantify patterns of lichen recovery in different stand types, ecoprovinces, and with time following stand-replacing fire. We used a hurdle model to account both for the heterogeneous nature of lichen presence (zero inflation) and for the range of abundance in stands where lichen was present. The first component of the hurdle model, a generalized linear model, identified stand age, stand type, and ecoprovince as significant predictors of lichen presence. With a logistic growth model, a measure of lichen recovery (time to 50% asymptotic value) varied from 28 to 73 yr, dependent on stand type and ecoprovince. The combined predictions of the hurdle model suggest the most rapid recovery of lichen biomass across our study region occurred in jack pine in the Boreal Shield (30 yr), while stands located in the Taiga Plains (North and South) required a longer recovery period (approximately 75 yr). These results provide a basis for estimating future caribou habitat that encompasses some of the large variation in fire effects on lichen abundance and vegetation types across the range of boreal and barren-ground caribou in North America.