Fei Huo


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Projected changes in the hotspots for agriculturally relevant compound events in Western Canada cropping regions under the RCP8.5 scenario
Richard Yao Kuma Agyeman, Fei Huo, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Richard Yao Kuma Agyeman, Fei Huo, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 149, Issue 752

The Canadian Prairies are a major grain production region, producing most of the wheat for export in Canada. Global warming and the associated changes in extreme precipitation and temperature events pose significant risks to agriculture on the Canadian Prairies. Compound hazards can cause higher crop failure than isolated events, especially in the main grain production regions in western Canada. To achieve informed climate risk management, it is critical to characterize the threats posed by compound hazards in current and future climates in western Canada. In this study, return periods of events were computed to assess the potential changes in the hotspots for agriculturally relevant compound events in western Canada using two convection-permitting climate simulations: current (CTL) climate and future climate under the RCP8.5 scenario based on a pseudo-global-warming (PGW) approach. Specifically, our study analyzed agricultural drought, low precipitation, heatwaves, and cool waves related to cool-season crops. The results showed the overall good performance of the CTL simulation in capturing spatial patterns of these compound events in western Canada. In the current climate, droughts and heatwaves co-occur mostly in southeastern parts of the prairies. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, they are likely to increase in frequency and expand to cover the major croplands of western Canada. This study provides information that policymakers in the fields of climate change adaptation and agricultural disaster management will find useful.

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Impact of climate change under the RCP8.5 emission scenario on multivariable agroclimatic indices in Western Canada from convection-permitting climate simulation
Richard Yao Kuma Agyeman, Fei Huo, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Mohamed Elshamy, Yunsung Hwang
Anthropocene, Volume 44


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Modelled changes in selected agroclimatic indices over the croplands of western <scp>Canada</scp> under the RCP8.5 scenario
Richard Yao Kuma Agyeman, Fei Huo, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Richard Yao Kuma Agyeman, Fei Huo, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 147, Issue 741

To assess the potential change in agroclimatic indices in western Canada, this study used a convection‐permitting Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model to conduct simulations for the current climate (CTL, 2000–2015) and future climate under the RCP8.5 scenario based on a pseudo‐global‐warming (PGW) approach. Both CTL and PGW simulations were bias‐corrected to the GEM‐CaPA dataset using a multivariate quantile mapping method. An evaluation of the CTL simulation of daily maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation during the growing season against the gridded observations has been performed, indicating good agreements in the spatial patterns of air temperature and precipitation in western Canada. The PGW − CTL differences in several selected agroclimatic indices were then examined. Due to rising temperatures, substantial increases in growing degree‐days (GDD) by 800–1,200° days and reductions in frost days by 10 to 20 days, favouring regional crop production, are found in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. However, global warming also poses great risks to Canadian agriculture by modifying heat accumulations and water availability during the growing season. Plant heat stress will substantially increase by ∼50° days in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, offsetting the positive effects caused by the reduction in frost days and increase in GDD. The southern Canadian Prairies will experience statistically significant increases in the number of dry days and precipitation deficit, suggesting an exacerbation of water stress on the Canadian Prairies by global warming.

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Reduction in autumn precipitation over Southwest China by anthropogenic aerosol emissions from eastern China
Fei Huo, Zhihong Jiang, Hongyun Ma, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Fei Huo, Zhihong Jiang, Hongyun Ma, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li
Atmospheric Research, Volume 257

Impacts of anthropogenic aerosols in China on autumn precipitation over Southwest China were investigated using version 5.1 of the Community Atmosphere Model. Simulations with and without anthropogenic aerosol emissions were compared to examine the effects of anthropogenic aerosols on surface air temperature and precipitation in East Asia. Our results show that the aerosol increase induces strong cooling over East Asia by aerosols' direct effect on radiation and indirect effect on clouds. Substantial reductions in precipitation are found across eastern China, but the largest decrease is in Southwest China. Anthropogenic aerosols cause a considerable increase in the cloud condensation nuclei number concentration and a decline in the cloud droplet effective radius in East Asia. The reduced cloud droplet sizes suppress the formation of precipitation and increase cloud depth and liquid water path. Consequently, aerosols' direct radiative effect as well as indirect effect on cloud depth and albedo significantly reduce the shortwave radiation for all sky between 20°and 40°N in China. More absorbing aerosols in the lower troposphere increase shortwave radiative heating, which possibly burns off low-level convective clouds and could cause significant reductions in condensational heating in the lower troposphere. The patterns of the shortwave heating increase and condensational heating reduction are generally consistent with significant reductions in the convective precipitation over China. We further investigated other factors governing precipitation and found moderate stability enhancement and moisture transport reductions in most of China, both of which partially contribute to a decrease in the convective precipitation in Southwest China. Aerosols' direct and indirect effects reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface and cool the surface and lower troposphere between 20° and 40°N, causing anomalous subsidence and reductions in the large-scale precipitation over central and eastern China. Both convective and large-scale precipitation are suppressed over Southwest China, leading to a significant decrease in total precipitation over this area. • Aerosols induce strong cooling by their direct and indirect effects. • The largest decrease in autumn precipitation is found over Southwest China. • Absorbing aerosols increase shortwave heating, reducing low-level convective clouds. • Aerosols' cooling causes subsidence and large-scale precipitation reductions.


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Assessment and projection of the water budget over western Canada using convection-permitting weather research and forecasting simulations
Sopan Kurkute, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Fei Huo
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 7

Abstract. Water resources in cold regions in western Canada face severe risks posed by anthropogenic global warming as evapotranspiration increases and precipitation regimes shift. Although understanding the water cycle is key for addressing climate change issues, it is difficult to obtain high spatial- and temporal-resolution observations of hydroclimatic processes, especially in remote regions. Climate models are useful tools for dissecting and diagnosing these processes, especially the convection-permitting (CP) high-resolution regional climate simulation, which provides advantages over lower-resolution models by explicitly representing convection. In addition to better representing convective systems, higher spatial resolution also better represents topography, mountain meteorology, and highly heterogeneous geophysical features. However, there is little work with convection-permitting regional climate models conducted over western Canada. Focusing on the Mackenzie River and Saskatchewan River basins, this study investigated the surface water budget and atmospheric moisture balance in historical and representative concentration pathway (RCP8.5) projections using 4 km CP Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). We compared the high-resolution 4 km CP WRF and three common reanalysis datasets, namely the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55), and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis interim dataset (ERA-Interim). High-resolution WRF outperforms the reanalyses in balancing the surface water budget in both river basins with much lower residual terms. For the pseudo-global-warming scenario at the end of the 21st century with representative concentration pathway (RCP8.5) radiative forcing, both the Mackenzie River and Saskatchewan River basins show increases in the amplitude for precipitation and evapotranspiration and a decrease in runoff. The Saskatchewan River basin (SRB) shows a moderate increase in precipitation in the west and a small decrease in the east. Combined with a significant increase in evapotranspiration in a warmer climate, the Saskatchewan River basin would have a larger deficit of water resources than in the current climate based on the pseudo-global-warming (PGW) simulation. The high-resolution simulation also shows that the difference of atmospheric water vapour balance in the two river basins is due to flow orientation and topography differences at the western boundaries of the two basins. The sensitivity of water vapour balance to fine-scale topography and atmospheric processes shown in this study demonstrates that high-resolution dynamical downscaling is important for large-scale water balance and hydrological cycles.

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Using big data analytics to synthesize research domains and identify emerging fields in urban climatology
Fei Huo, Li Xu, Yanping Li, J. S. Famiglietti, Zhenhua Li, Yuya Kajikawa, Fei Chen
WIREs Climate Change, Volume 12, Issue 1

The growing concerns over urbanization and climate change have resulted in an exponential growth in publications on urban climatology in recent decades. However, an advanced synthesis that characterizes the existing studies is lacking. In this review, we used citation network analysis and a text mining approach to identify research trends and extract common research topics and the emerging domains in urban climatology. Based on the clustered networks, we found that aerosols and ozone, and urban heat island are the most popular topics. Together with other clusters, four emerging topical fields were identified: secondary organic aerosols, urban precipitation, flood risk and adaptation, and greenhouse gas emissions. The city case studies' geographical information was analyzed to explore the spatial–temporal patterns, especially in the emerging topical fields. Interdisciplinary research grew in recent years as the field of urban climatology expanded to interact with urban hydrology, health, energy issues, and social sciences. A few knowledge gaps were proposed: the lack of long‐term high‐temporal‐resolution observational data of organic aerosols for model validation and improvements, the need for predictions of urban effects on precipitation and extreme flooding events under climate change, and the lack of a framework for cooperation between physical sciences and social sciences under urban settings. To fill these gaps, we call for more observational data with high spatial and temporal resolution, using high‐resolution models that adequately represent urban processes to conduct scenario analyses for urban planning, and the development of intellectual frameworks for better integration of urban climatology and social‐economical systems in cities. This article is categorized under: Climate, History, Society, Culture > Disciplinary Perspectives


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Assessment and Projection of Water Budget over Western Canada using Convection Permitting WRF Simulations
Sopan Kurkute, Zhenhua Li, Yanping Li, Fei Huo

Abstract. Water resources in cold regions in western Canada face severe risks posed by anthropogenic global warming as evapotranspiration increases and precipitation regimes shift. Although understanding the water cycle is key in addressing climate change issues, it is difficult to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution observations of hydroclimatic processes, especially in remote regions. Climate models are useful tools for dissecting and diagnosing these processes, especially, convection-permitting (CP) high-resolution regional climate simulation provides advantages over lower-resolution models by explicitly representing convection. In addition to better representing convective systems, higher spatial resolution also better represents topography and mountain meteorology, and highly heterogeneous geophysical features. However, there is little work with convection-permitting regional climate models conducted over western Canada. Focusing on the Mackenzie and Saskatchewan river basins, this study investigated the surface water budget and atmospheric moisture balance in historical and RCP8.5 projections using 4-km CP Weather Research and Forecast (WRF). We compared the high-resolution 4-km CP WRF and three common reanalysis datasets: NARR, JRA-55, and ERA-Interim. High-resolution WRF out-performs the reanalyses in balancing the surface water budget in both river basins with much lower residual terms. For the pseudo-global warming scenario at the end of the 21st century with RCP8.5 radiative forcing, both the Mackenzie and Saskatchewan river basins show increases in the amplitude for precipitation and evapotranspiration and a decrease in runoff. The Saskatchewan river basin shows a moderate increase of precipitation in the west and a small decrease in the east. Combined with a significant increase of evapotranspiration in a warmer climate, the Saskatchewan river basin would have a larger deficit of water resources than in the current climate based on the PGW simulation. The high-resolution simulation also shows the difference of atmospheric water vapour balance in the two river basins is due to flow orientation and topography differences at the western boundaries of the two basins. The sensitivity of water vapour balance to fine-scale topography and atmospheric processes shown in this study demonstrates that high-resolution dynamical downscaling is important for large-scale water balance and hydrological cycles.