Olaf A. Cirpka


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Organic Matter Degradation in Energy-Limited Subsurface Environments—A Bioenergetics-Informed Modeling Approach
Bijendra Man Bajracharya, C. M. Smeaton, Igor Markelov, Ekaterina Markelova, Chuanhe Lu, Olaf A. Cirpka, Philippe Van Cappellen
Geomicrobiology Journal, Volume 39, Issue 1

Microbial degradation of organic matter is a key driver of subsurface biogeochemistry. Here, we present a bioenergetics-informed kinetic model for the anaerobic degradation of macromolecular organi...


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Modeling the Fate of Pharmaceuticals in a Fourth‐Order River Under Competing Assumptions of Transient Storage
Yan Liu, Christiane Zarfl, Nandita B. Basu, Olaf A. Cirpka
Water Resources Research, Volume 56, Issue 3

Quantifying the degradation of micropollutants in streams is important for river‐water quality management. While biodegradation is believed to be enhanced in transient‐storage zones of rivers, it can also occur in the main channel. Photodegradation is restricted to the main channel and surface transient‐storage zones. In this study, we propose a transient‐storage model framework to address the transport and fate of micropollutants in different domains of a river. We fitted the model to nighttime and daytime measurements of a tracer and four pharmaceuticals in River Steinlach, Germany. We could separate the surface and subsurface fractions of the total transient‐storage zone by fitting fluorescein photodegradation at daytime versus conservative nighttime transport. In reactive transport, we tested two model variants, allowing biodegradation in the main channel or restricting it to the transient‐storage zones, obtaining similar model performances but different degradation rate coefficients. Carbamazepine is relatively conservative; photodegradation of metoprolol and venlafaxine can be quantitatively attributed to the main channel and surface transient‐storage zone; metoprolol, venlafaxine, and sulfamethoxazole undergo biodegradation. We projected a decrease of overall pollutant removal under higher flow conditions, regardless of attributing biodegradation to specific river compartments. Our study indicates that model‐based analysis of daytime and nighttime field experiments allows (1) distinguishing photodegradation and biodegradation, (2) reducing equifinality of surface and subsurface transient‐storage, and (3) estimating biodegradation in different domains under different assumptions. However, entirely reducing the equifinality of attributing biodegradation to different compartments is hardly possible in lowland rivers with only limited transient storage.


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Turnover and legacy of sediment-associated PAH in a baseflow-dominated river
Yan Liu, Christiane Zarfl, N. B. Basu, Olaf A. Cirpka
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 671

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) ubiquitously occur in rivers and threaten the aquatic ecosystem. Understanding their fate and behaviour in rivers can help in improving management strategies. We develop a particle-facilitated transport model considering suspended sediments with sorbed PAH from different origins to investigate the turnover and legacy of sediment-bound PAH in the baseflow-dominated Ammer River in southwest Germany. Our model identifies the contributions of dissolved and particle-bound PAH during wet and dry periods to the annual load. The analysis of in-stream processes enables investigating the average turnover times of sediments and attached PAH for the main stem of the river. The legacy of sediment-bound PAH is studied by running the model assuming a 50% reduction in PAH emissions after the introduction of environmental regulation in the 1970s. Our results show that sediment-bound and dissolved PAH account for 75% and 25% of the annual PAH load, respectively. PAH are mainly emitted from urban areas that contribute over 74% to the total load. In steep reaches, the turnover times of sediments and attached PAH are similar, whereas they differ by 1-2 orders of magnitude in reaches with very mild slopes. Flow rates significantly affect PAH fluxes between the mobile water and the riverbed over the entire river. Total PAH fluxes from the river bed to the mobile water are simulated to occur when the discharge is larger than 5 m3s -1. River segments with large sediment storage show a potential of PAH legacy, which may have caused a PAH release over 10-20 years after the implementation of environmental regulation. This study is useful for assessing environmental impacts of PAH in rivers (e.g., their contribution to the river-water toxicity) and exemplifies that the longitudinal distribution, turnover, and legacy potential of PAH in a river system require a mechanistic understanding of river hydraulics and sediment transport.


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Contributions of catchment and in-stream processes to suspended sediment transport in a dominantly groundwater-fed catchment
Yan Liu, Christiane Zarfl, N. B. Basu, Marc Schwientek, Olaf A. Cirpka
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 7

Abstract. Suspended sediments impact stream water quality by increasing the turbidity and acting as a vector for strongly sorbing pollutants. Understanding their sources is of great importance to developing appropriate river management strategies. In this study, we present an integrated sediment transport model composed of a catchment-scale hydrological model to predict river discharge, a river-hydraulics model to obtain shear stresses in the channel, a sediment-generating model, and a river sediment-transport model. We use this framework to investigate the sediment contributions from catchment and in-stream processes in the Ammer catchment close to Tübingen in southwestern Germany. The model is calibrated to stream flow and suspended-sediment concentrations. We use the monthly mean suspended-sediment load to analyze seasonal variations of different processes. The contributions of catchment and in-stream processes to the total loads are demonstrated by model simulations under different flow conditions. The evaluation of shear stresses by the river-hydraulics model allows the identification of hotspots and hot moments of bed erosion for the main stem of the Ammer River. The results suggest that the contributions of suspended-sediment loads from urban areas and in-stream processes are higher in the summer months, while deposition has small variations with a slight increase in summer months. The sediment input from agricultural land and urban areas as well as bed and bank erosion increase with an increase in flow rates. Bed and bank erosion are negligible when flow is smaller than the corresponding thresholds of 1.5 and 2.5 times the mean discharge, respectively. The bed-erosion rate is higher during the summer months and varies along the main stem. Over the simulated time period, net sediment trapping is observed in the Ammer River. The present work is the basis to study particle-facilitated transport of pollutants in the system, helping to understand the fate and transport of sediments and sediment-bound pollutants.